What we do:

Impact analysis of circular strategies
From the baseline analysis, we will identify specific circular strategies relevant to your context, providing empirical evidence of their impacts that local stakeholders can leverage to advocate for implementation. Through the scenario modeling, we'll discern key policies, ranking them based on their potential impact, feasibility and alignment with overarching national climate goals.

What you get:

A circular roadmap for your national transition
This comprehensive approach not only offers a tailored roadmap for advancing the circular agenda but also equips stakeholders with tangible evidence to push for the strategic implementation of these policies. Each policy can outline details such as budget, timeline and the involved actors, to contribute to a prioritised list of circular strategies and policies. Together, these elements form a dynamic circular roadmap, providing a structured framework to track and measure progress in driving forward the circular agenda.

How we do it:


  • Contextualise circular strategies with local experts.
  • Model environmental impact of circular strategies.
  • Provide relevant case studies of existing strategies.

Key policies

  • Identification of key policies (regulatory, financial, behavioural, infrastructural) needed for each circular intervention.
  • Design of key targets, associated best practices and pilot projects per policy measure.
  • Roadmap chapter.

Roundtables with Stakeholder Coalition

  • Organise two roundtables with the Stakeholder Coalition.
  • Share results for feedback and collaboration.
  • Establish a shared circularity baseline.
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